“I recently had the opportunity to work on a commercial assisting make-up artist Ava Stone (Adoration, Bollywood/Hollywood, Vendetta: No Conscience, No Mercy). Another top Complections graduate, Christina Scott, and I were selected to work on the shoot, which was a three minute dance sequence that was filmed in 3D. And the coolest part? The sequence was then replayed for her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, as they were here in Toronto for a Royal visit. I was quite surprised when I found out that the Queen would be visiting the set, but it made it all more exciting!
To help with the looks during the shoot, I took what I learned about period and film make-up in school, and through Ava’s guidance, we did an 1800s inspired make-up consisting of strong brows and red lips, which complimented the accent colour of the dancers’ clothing.
I’ve had the opportunity to be on quite a few sets since graduating in December, but it was very amazing to be part of such a large production. The mechanics of the 3D camera was really fascinating to watch – it would swoop in and out on a giant dolly, getting so close to the dancers; you could tell that they put a lot of trust in the technicians.
The most satisfying part was seeing the hair, make-up and wardrobe come together so seamlessly; it really made me feel like an important part of an accomplished team. I really had a great experience, and will take what I learned and continue to move forward in my make-up career.”