Last summer, CMU graduate Nicole Pilon worked on set as the makeup artist for the film Fire Song. Fire Song – a story based on current issues faced by First Nations youth living on reserves – made its premiere at this year’s TIFF.
Nicole has quickly earned a positive reputation in the industry; she is known for her patience, professionalism and strong work ethic. While these attributes are unique to Nicole, she credits CMU’s Film & TV Makeup Instructor, Lynda McCormack, for easing the transition into the real world. “I had Lynda McCormack as an instructor for film and I feel like she really prepared me for set. I’m really confident in what I do and I just love being on set. Like I said, I’ve worked on quite a few films now and each one has a story and I always learn something new.”
Nicole is a true testament to the payoff of hard work and a positive attitude. CMU faculty and staff are incredibly thrilled to hear of Nicole’s success – and cannot wait to see her name scrolling through the credits of many films to come.