Jessica Fulmer has been very busy since graduating at the top of her class from Complections’ 26-week Comprehensive Make-up Artist program in June 2005. Not only has she worked on feature films and television shows with stars including the Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber, she has also had the opportunity to be key make-up artist for a few films.
When asked why she chose Complections, Jessica was quick to respond. “I did a lot of Internet research and compared schools,” she said. “I chose Complections because I really liked the high calibre of the instructors and the class breakdowns.” She noted film & television and prosthetics as being her favourite courses because of her keen interest in these industries.
While studying at Complections, Jessica took advantage of several job opportunities she received through Complections’ job posting service. She worked on a fashion show and a team that did the make-up for the Molson Indie drivers for a rock star-themed event.
After she graduated, Jessica volunteered on numerous film sets. She used her networking skills to meet Stephen Lynch, who now happens to be a Complections instructor, and worked with him as second assistant for the Disney made-for-television movie Camp Rock starring the Jonas Brothers. She was also key make-up artist for the horror movie Never Cry Werewolf. “I enjoyed keying because I got to do a lot of creative special effects make-up,” she remarked. “But my favourite job to date was working on Camp Rock because it had a really fun, energetic atmosphere.”
Jessica currently works as a make-up artist for the YTV television show The Next Star. When Justin Bieber appeared as a guest on the show, she was responsible for his make-up. Other clients she has had include Sears Canada and Canadian singers Suzie McNeil, Shawn Desman and Josh Ramsey.
When asked what advice she would give to current students, Jessica had lots to offer. “When I came to Complections, I had no professional make-up experience, just personal,” she said. “My best advice would be to be persistent and stick with it. I spent about a year after graduating doing volunteer and low budget work before I was able to start negotiating prices. Work for free and network as much as you can.”
Jessica also recommended that students stay up-to-date with the make-up industry. She advises them to check websites such as Craigslist and Mandy.com daily, as they are often good resources for aspiring make-up artists.
Click here to see Jessica’s website.