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CMU College of Makeup Art and Design herein referred to as the "College" is committed to taking all reasonable steps to ensure the students have the opportunity to successfully complete their programs, by treating all students as adults with a high level of professional attainment, to their satisfaction. In the event of dissatisfaction of the education they receive they should first, approach their Faculty instructor. The College is dedicated to the prompt and impartial resolution of student conflict issues to the satisfaction of both the student and the staff of the College. The Student complaint procedure is designed to provide students with both an informal and formal process wherein the student may request satisfaction for their quality of education received that shall be dealt with efficiently. If the student is unable to talk to their instructor or the issue is unaddressed, students may contact the Manager of Student Services directly. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome and/or decision of the Manager of Student Services they may appeal to the Senior Vice President of the school.

The following process outlines how a student initiates the complaint and how to follow up on correspondence. The time period between the date the complaint is submitted by a student and the date a decision will be made by the College is two (2) weeks.

The College official(s) designated to receive and make decisions about student complaints is/are:

Manager of Student Services

Tel. (416) 968-6739 x. 43;

Senior Vice President

Tel. (416) 968-6739 x. 40;

110 Lombard Street Toronto, ON M5C 1M3
Fax. (416) 968-7340

What the Student needs to do:

Students need to approach the relevant faculty member and either outline their concern in person or, in writing. Students are encouraged to address any concerns immediately.

Retain copies of any written correspondence you have with your College. Should the student be unable or unwilling to approach the faculty staff member, or where concerns remain unaddressed by said faculty member, the student may formally or informally contact the Manager of Student Services/Senior Vice President who will provide guidance with the resolution. The student is allowed to have a person present with them at all stages of the proceedings. The student has the right to have the person who is present with them address any concerns on the student?s behalf.

What the Manager of Student Services needs to do:

Within two (2) working days the Manager of Student Services must hear the student complaint and if necessary, ensure the complaint is prepared in writing (either by their own means or the student’s) and have the complainant signed off, by both parties, on what transpired or what list of concerns they have.

The Manager of Student Services will investigate the merits of the complaint, which could include detailed, in-depth discussion with the faculty member, the complainant or other students who may be involved.

The Manager of Student Services is responsible for identifying the appropriate person to address the complaint and notifying the students of the status of the complaint process.

The staff member or Manager of Student Services must record all resolution plans, and decisions, and reasons for the decisions. The original forms must be signed by both the College party and the student filing the complaint. The original will be given to the student after a copy is made and filed in the student’s academic file. If a mutually agreed resolution has been agreed upon the plan must be implemented the Manager of Student Services must follow up to ensure the resolution plan satisfactorily resolves the students concerns.

Once the resolution is mutually resolved, the Manager of Student Services, and the student will close the concern record by signing a declaration at the bottom of the resolution plan. The student will be provided with a copy of the complaint, any submissions filed and the decision made.

Students who disagree with the assessment of the complaint may escalate their concerns to the Senior Vice President.

What the Senior Vice President needs to do:

The Senior Vice President will investigate the situation. If they find the complaint has merit, they will address the complaint and offer guidance to a resolution. If they deem the complaint unmerited, the Senior Vice President will inform the student and the matter will end.

Procedures to Resolve the Complaint:

When required, the Manager of Student Services or Senior Vice President proceeds with student/faculty meetings as outlined below.

Meeting With Faculty Member:

If the Manager of Student Services, Head of Academics and Senior Vice President feels the student’s claims have merit and the initial attempts have not been able to resolve the complaint and the complaint does not fall under another School policy, they will:

Arrange a meeting with the faculty member in order to resolve the complaint whereby their administrative representative may accompany them. This is not mandatory. Although not mandatory, it is strongly suggested that a representative attend. The student presenting the complaint will not attend this meeting.

During or prior to a meeting between the Manager of Student Services, Head of Academics, and Senior Vice President will provide the faculty member with a detailed summary of the student’s complaints wherein the specified student concerns will be addressed, and together they will develop a strategy to rectify the situation. A time frame will be established and followed up on in which the faculty member will report on how the situation is progressing, after an agreed upon period of time.

After the meeting, the Manager of Student Services will notify the student in writing that their complaint has been discussed with the faculty member and ask the student to report whether the situation has improved after the agreed upon time frame. The Manager of Student Services will also follow up with faculty member or students if they fail to provide feedback after the required time frame.

Student and Faculty Member Forum:

If the situation is not resolved, the Manager of Student Services may:

1. Convene a forum where students can express their issues in person to the faculty member. (In these situations, a representative may accompany both the faculty member and students involved with resolving the issue).

2. Ensure that the forum is conducted in a respectful and professional manner. 3. Meet with the faculty member to discuss the issues raised at the forum.

4. Jointly develop a strategy to rectify the situation and establish a time frame to resolve the complaint.

5. Follow up with the faculty member and the complainant, as described above, to make sure the situation has been resolved.

The College official(s) designated to make a decision about the review of a student complaints is:

Manager of Student Services

Tel. (416) 968-6739 x. 43;

Senior Vice President

Tel. (416) 968-6739 x. 40;

110 Lombard Street Toronto, ON M5C 1M3
Fax. (416) 968-7340

Further Investigation:

If the problem has not been resolved, the Head of Academics/Senior Vice President may be required to further investigate the situation. If it becomes apparent that the complaint is an issue of management or discipline, the Head of Academics/Senior Vice President will engage in appropriate activities to address the situation. Such activities may include training activities for the faculty member.

In this case, the Head of Academics/Senior Vice President will report the decision to the student in writing that the complaint has been investigated and is being addressed. The Head of Academics/Senior Vice President must not provide specific details of the actions taken, as this would violate the faculty member?s right to confidentiality in a personnel matter.

Record of Complaints:

The college will keep a record of all complaints on the original campus the complaint took place for a minimum of three years from the date of the decision relating to the complaint. A copy of the complaint and any other submissions on file with respect to complaint or decision will be included in the record. Any student who makes a complaint will be provided with a copy of the record of the complaint.

If a student is not satisfied with a career college?s resolution of his or her complaint in accordance with the procedure set out in subsection (1) of the section 36 of O. Reg. 415/0, the student may refer the matter to the Superintendent of Career Colleges, Ministry of Colleges and Universities through the PARIS system:

The Student can use the following link to access the PARIS system:

A guide for creating the Student user account is available at the following URL:

Disagreement About the Validity of a Complaint:

If the faculty member disagrees with the Manager of Student Services, Head of Academics, or Senior Vice President’s assessment of a complaint, the faculty member is entitled to recourse, according to the terms of the collective agreement.